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Extended Day Care Program

330 Mount Laurel Road
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
Phone: 856.235.3387

436 Masonville Road, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
856-231-5890 EXT. 21004 FAX: 856-234-7104
 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR:
Parents may use the online registration portal opened on July 8, 2024. The link is posted below based on NEW FAMILIES/RETURNING FAMILIES. Parents may also e-mail or call to request an application to be mailed/e-mailed. A downloadable form is available below.


The Extended Day Care program is a tuition-based before and after school program for students attending Mount Laurel School District in  grades K through 6. The program is offered in all 5 of our K-4  schools, as well as at Hartford School for 5th and 6th graders.  Hartford students attend AM EDC at Larchmont School and are bussed to Hartford. Hartford PM students attend EDC at Hartford School. Morning sessions begin at 7 a.m. and continue until the start of the school day. Afternoon sessions begin immediately following the end of the  school day until 6 p.m."

The Extended Day Care program is activity-based including outside play and/or gym time, games, movies, and arts and crafts. Most sites host homework time. An after-school snack must be provided by the parent/guardian.
SCHEDULE: The deadline to schedule each week is Friday by noon.  Schedules received on Monday or later for the current week will be subject to a $10.00 late fee. Half-day sessions must be scheduled by the designated emailed deadlines provided by our office. Students may not attend the half-day session if they are not scheduled by the deadline. 
  BASIC RATES per child:   
  Before School
  $9.00/per morning
  After School
 $15.00/per afternoon
 Half Day
 $28.00/per afternoon  
 $35.00 Flat Rate-includes all children in the family





LATE FEES: Due dates must be adhered to. Late payments will be subject to a $10 late fee. Tuition is paid one week before care and must be scheduled. We encourage all families to use the online system to schedule.
LATE PICKUP POLICY: If your child is not picked up by 6 p.m., a charge of $20 will be charged every 15 minutes after 6 p.m. If this happens more than three times, your child will be removed from the program.
Changes or cancellations must be made by the Friday before the new week begins on Monday in order to receive credit.  If the week in which changes or cancellations have begun, credit will not be given.

RETURNED CHECK FEE: $20 for all returned checks

REGISTRATION:  If requesting the form to be mailed, please leave a message stating your name, address, and phone number. If you wish the form e-mailed to you, please e-mail Suzy HaftmanYvette Lopez (after September 1, 2024), Chris Sherf, or Pam Witts ([email protected]) and the form will be sent to you in a PDF file. (E-MAILS LISTED BELOW). The form also is available for download below.


SCHEDULE & PAYMENTS (Registrants only): To schedule daycare using the online system, go to: The deadline to schedule online is every Friday at noon. Payments must accompany all schedules. If you do not have online access, please email us to schedule via email or by phone. We must have your schedule by Friday before the week of care.
 You may use our online portal to sign-up either as a new family just joining us, or a returning family from previous years. Please use the appropriate link below to speed your registration process.
 Please Note: The links below are only for use during the current (2024-2025) School Year.

EDC Returning Family  Online Registration Directions 24-25

EDC New Family Online Registration Directions 24-25

EDC 24-25 Registration Form (Download & Print)

EDC 24-25 Handbook

You may email our office and attach the form or print the form and mail it with your form of payment. We also have a 24-hour drop box located at the front door of our building. We are not excepting walk-ins at this time.

PHONE: 856-231-5891 (Please use extensions below)

Chris Sherf- [email protected]     (PRIMARY EDC EXT. 21004) 
Pam Witts- [email protected] (EXT. 21009)                
Yvette Lopez- [email protected]  (SCHEDULING EXT. 21001) available 9/1/22
Suzy Haftman- [email protected] (Supervisor of Community Education & EDC EXT. 21002)