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Facilities Use

330 Mount Laurel Road
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
Phone: 856.235.3387

Facility Staff

Buildings & Grounds
436 Masonville Road
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
Phone:  856.231.5890     Fax:  856.231.5889

Supervisor of Building & Grounds
extension 21010

extension 21005

Use of Facilities

The district facilities belong to the community, which paid for them for the primary purpose of offering a full educational program for its children. Prudent use and management of school facilities outside of the regular operating schedules, providing that such use does not interfere with the orderly conduct of a thorough and efficient system of education, allows the community to benefit more broadly from the use of its own property.

Individuals and groups requesting use of school facilities must review Policy 1330 prior to completing and submitting a facilities use request.  An Application Requesting Use of School Facilities  may be filled in, printed, signed and returned OR an ONLINE request may be submitted below.

Applicant must submit proof of insurance coverage along with the request for use form. Certificate of Insurance can be emailed to [email protected] with emailed hard copies OR downloaded within the online request form.  Be sure the name of the organization is clearly visible on the certificate.

It is required that all organizations/individuals using the school facilities, who anticipate a group or audience of 100 or more obtain a fire permit from the Mount Laurel Township Fire Marshal (234-0001). A copy of this permit must be filed with the Facilities Manager prior to the date of facility usage.

Completed forms should be emailed to: [email protected]

ONLINE Application Requesting Use of School Facilities

Application Requesting Use of School Facilities
It is required that all organizations/individuals using the school facilities, who anticipate a group or audience of 100 or more obtain a fire permit from the Mount Laurel Township Fire Marshal (234-0001). A copy of this permit must be filed with the Facilities Manager prior to the date of facility usage. 
Note: The Board of Education's liability insurance policy does not extend to individuals and organizations using school facilities. For this reason, organizations are urged to obtain liability insurance to protect them from suits arising out of their activities on school premises.

Name of Organization
Type of Activity
Size of Group/Audience Participating
Name of Adult Responsible
Contact Phone #
Day(s) and Date(s) Requested
Rental Start Time
Rental End Time
Will admission be charged?
Specify Building Requested
Specify Area(s) requested

If 'Other' Area chose above, specify:
The following equipment is needed:
Electronic Signature (please type first and last name)
Requests for use of facilities must include a copy of organization's Certificate of Insurance - proving valid liability coverage.
Your Name:
Your Email:
captcha image

To validate your submission, please type the answer to the question.