Hillside Elementary Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
District Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
District Staff
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Alarcon Mandujano, Alberto Martin
Bus Driver
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Ali, Robert
Head Custodian
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Springville Elementary Staff
Altshuler, Bart
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Altshuler, Randy
Parkway Elementary Staff
Amarnathrao, Suganiya
Hillside Elementary Staff
Ambrozaitis, Lindsay
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Amejka, Samantha
Office Aide 10M
Parkway Elementary Staff
Springville Elementary Staff
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Anderson, Kimarie
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Andrayo, Tiffany
Media Specialist
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Andrews, Elizabeth
Bus Driver
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Parkway Elementary Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Ashton, Christina
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Atkinson, Dina
Secretary Buildings and Grounds
District Staff
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Countryside Elementary Staff
Bajaj, Mridula
Asst. Superintendent Curriculum
District Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Barker, Brandon
Technology Support Specialist
District Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
District Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Barracliffe, Richard
Hillside Elementary Staff
Countryside Elementary Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
District Staff
Bash, Jeffrey
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Springville Elementary Staff
Springville Elementary Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Becker, Mary
Secretary 12M
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Bergonzoni, Michael
District Technology Coordinator
District Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Bettencourt, Faith
Bus Driver
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Springville Elementary Staff
Beun, David
Student Residency Investigator
District Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Bichara, Jessica
Perm Building Sub
Springville Elementary Staff
Billingsley, Renee
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Bittenbender, William
Technology Support Specialist
District Staff
Bittner, Heather
Office Aide 10M
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Blackshear, Shawn
Asst. Principal
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Springville Elementary Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Countryside Elementary Staff
Bosch, Teresa
Speech Therapist
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Bowman, Christopher
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Boyle, Lynn
Secretary 12M
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Bozman, Charlene
Bus Driver
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Countryside Elementary Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Springville Elementary Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Brooks, Stacy
Speech Therapist
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Countryside Elementary Staff
Countryside Elementary Staff
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
District Staff
Bruno, Amber
Speech Therapist
Springville Elementary Staff
Springville Elementary Staff
Brycki, Bogden
Bus Driver
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Countryside Elementary Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Burns, Colleen
Sub Office Aide
Hillside Elementary Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Caccese, Patricia
Sign Language Interpreter
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Cacchioli, Anne
Secretary 12M
Hillside Elementary Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
District Staff
Caldwell, Brianna
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Caltabiano, Jared
Curriculum Supervisor
District Staff
Calzaretto, Catherine
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Canfield, Lori Beth
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Capobianco, Megan
Springville Elementary Staff
Capozzoli, Samantha
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Cardinale, Christopher
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
District Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Carosiello, Paula
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Carty, Douglas
Bus Driver
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Cataline, Rebecca
Countryside Elementary Staff
Countryside Elementary Staff
District Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Chidsey, Peggy
Secretary 10M
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Chirip, Ellen
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Springville Elementary Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Clark, Alyssa
Speech Therapist
Springville Elementary Staff
Clayton, Michael
Countryside Elementary Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Springville Elementary Staff
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Springville Elementary Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Corrado, Dina
School Security Monitor
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Crater, Christine
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Crouthamel, Jennifer
Hillside Elementary Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Cuniglio, Michelle
Springville Elementary Staff
Cunningham, Alison
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Cunningham, Walter
Bus Driver
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Countryside Elementary Staff
Curtis, Christopher
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
D'Argenio, Jessica
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Springville Elementary Staff
Springville Elementary Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Daroshefski, Megan
Springville Elementary Staff
David, Lindsay
Speech Therapist
District Staff
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Davis, Elizabeth
Media Specialist
Countryside Elementary Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Countryside Elementary Staff
Davis, Whitney
Social Worker
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
District Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Countryside Elementary Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Depetris, Melinda
Countryside Elementary Staff
Derengowski, Deborah
Adm Assistant to HR Manager
District Staff
District Staff
DeSantis, Anthony
Countryside Elementary Staff
Desantis, Christopher
Bus Driver
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
DeSimone, James
Supervisor of Early Childhood
District Staff
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Devlin, Colleen
SAC Coordinator
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Didomenico, Sara
Bus Driver
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
DiGiacomo, Joseph
Bus Driver
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
DiGirolamo, Samantha
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Dilatush, Michelle
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
DiMartino, MaryAnn
Secretary 12M
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Countryside Elementary Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
District Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Donoflio, Lawrence
Bus Driver
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Hillside Elementary Staff
Doorman, John
District Staff
Springville Elementary Staff
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Larchmont Elementary Staff
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Dunlop, William
Bus Driver
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Dunn, Madeline
Bus Driver
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Springville Elementary Staff
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Ebbeson, Katherine
Curriculum Supervisor
District Staff
Economos, Margaret
Parkway Elementary Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Springville Elementary Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Larchmont Elementary Staff
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Parkway Elementary Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Faulkner, Melanie
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Fiorentino, Shraddha
PT Physical Therapist
District Staff
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Springville Elementary Staff
Fitzpatrick, Beverly
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Flannery, Jessica
Media Specialist
Hillside Elementary Staff
District Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Countryside Elementary Staff
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Frascarelli, Nina
Parkway Elementary Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Frehner, Aubri
Speech Therapist
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Friedrichs, Heather
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Galbraith, Amanda
Parkway Elementary Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Gallagher, Jennifer
Media Specialist
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Gallagher, Kathleen
Countryside Elementary Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Garber, Christina
Springville Elementary Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Generalao, Angela
Larchmont Elementary Staff
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Gergich, Michelle
Instrumental Music
Countryside Elementary Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Giannattasio, Jennifer
Countryside Elementary Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Gill, Sarbjit
Perm Building Sub
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Gleason, John
Media Specialist
Springville Elementary Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Golding, Elizabeth
Parkway Elementary Staff
Goldstein, Robert
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Gollin, Allison
Social Worker
Parkway Elementary Staff
Gonzalez, Yvette
Secretary 10M
District Staff
Gorczynski, Alanah
Speech Therapist
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Larchmont Elementary Staff
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
District Staff
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Gotti, Kyle-Marie
Springville Elementary Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Graeff, Robert
District Staff
Graham, Jennifer
Human Resources Secretary
District Staff
Grandinetti, Lisa
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Groninger, Valerie
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Fleetwood Elementary Staff
MT Laurel Schools District Transportation
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
District Staff
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Guider-Mortimer, Erica
Hillside Elementary Staff
Larchmont Elementary Staff
Gulbin, Kathryn
Social Worker
Springville Elementary Staff
Haftman, Suzanne
Supervisor of Community Ed &
District Staff
Parkway Elementary Staff
Haider-Napoli, Sarah
Countryside Elementary Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Hann, Lester
Perm Building Sub
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Hillside Elementary Staff
Hartstein, Amanda
Hillside Elementary Staff
Haughton, Sathara
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Mount Laurel Hartford School Staff
Thomas E. Harrington Middle School Staff
Heath, Marche
Perm Building Sub